Grachevskii Elevator, OJSC

Grachevskii Elevator, OJSC

Description of the production complex:

Grachevskii Elevator, OJSC is a procurement and transshipment complex including two elevators and two lines of mechanized grain warehouses. The total storage capacity of the enterprise is 129,500 tonnes.

The laboratory of the enterprise is equipped with modern equipment and express analyzers, which reduces the time for receiving grain from customers.


  • keeper of the grain of the federal intervention fund

The main activity :

  • Acceptance of grain from cars and railway transport
  • Grain cleaning
  • Grain drying
  • Storage
  • Shipment of grain by car and railway transport
  • Transit shipment
  • Laboratory analysis of cereals

Finished Goods Delivery Regions:

  • Stavropol Territory
  • Grachevsky district
  • Shpakovsky district
  • Petrovsky district
  • Aleksandrovsky district
  • Trunovsky district


Management: managing company - OZK Center
