OZK is the only Russian infrastructure company with state participation in the agricultural market


OZK is a State agent for conducting procurement and commodity interventions and ensuring the safety of grain of the federal intervention fund


OZK Group means high standards of service in grain deliveries from the field to the side of the ship


OZK Group is among the top 5 exporters of Russian grain


In 2021, the OZK Group launched electronic stock auctions for the purchase of grain

thousand tonnes of grain storage at 9 elevators

thousand tonnes of grain storage at 9 elevators

thousand tonnes of grain is processed by 3 enterprises

thousand tonnes of grain is processed by 3 enterprises

million tonnes per year of port transshipment

million tonnes per year of port transshipment

million tonnes of grain exports of OZK Group per year
up to 3

million tonnes of grain exports of OZK Group per year

billion rubles consolidated revenue for 2022

billion rubles consolidated revenue for 2022

hopper wagon fleet

hopper wagon fleet

United Grain Company (OZK) is a trade and logistics operator of agricultural products, it captures the export potential of Russian grain on the world market. Thanks to its unique infrastructure, the company contributes to increasing food mobility in the world.

The enterprises of the OZK Group provide the highest standards of responsibility and service in the supply of domestic grain and other agricultural products of Russian farmers to the international market, offer a qualitatively new level of export operations on the principle of "one window", the solution of any logistical problems, the reliability of deliveries on time.

Geography of activity

Export activities